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  • talkbusywithlizzy

Black Eye Peas

Just over a week ago I got a black eye. To be completely honest, I didn't want to leave the house or post TikToks with it because I was embarrassed. That lasted one day because I love to get out of the house and make TikToks. Many of my friends have checked up on me to make sure I'm okay and safe. Even some strangers have asked me. Which I totally am by the way.

I'm extremely grateful to all of the people who have asked me if I'm okay and checked up on me. That's really needed. If we have friends who have a sketchy injury, they must be checked up on. Even if it's a stranger. We need more people like that. There are too many people in abusive situations and relationships and they need people to check up on them, ask them, and sometimes push them to reveal what's happening and get out.

But I'm not in that situation so after enough people asking it started to get on my nerves. A person asking once didn't bother me, but as people pushed it, it honestly started to hurt. My boyfriend is not abusive and people continuing to push and say he is does bother me.

It's a fine line though, because there are people who need that push and I want them to get that push by people, but when I don't need it, and I keep being pushed, it does bother me.

So I want to say a huge thank you to those who do push and who do check in and who do ask, but I also want to say please stop asking me specifically, because it hurts that the person I love is being accused of doing something to me that he would never do and that I know he didn't do.

One thing that was interesting to me was the ages of the people who checked up on me. Those who were early thirties or younger immediately asked me if I was safe and okay. Anyone older asked who I got in a fight with and said "What's the other girl look like?" I'm not judging either response, it was just an interesting observation.

The reason I share all of this is because I think it's a difficult situation and important to talk about. I'm on one side of this situation when too many people are on the other. I'm the exception, not the rule. So, where is the line of stopping pushing people? How do we have the discernment to know whether or not someone's telling the truth? This is an important conversation!

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