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  • talkbusywithlizzy

Ellensburg Rodeo

Have you ever been to event that just makes you feel like you're at home? This is how I feel about the Ellensburg Rodeo. That may be a bold statement for someone who's only ever been to the Rodeo as a part of the audience and who has only been about three time, but nevertheless, going to the rodeo makes me feel at peace.

We always take the two hour drive early to make the parade. Most years we attend the pancake breakfast and get to talk to people of the community. This year we had to stop in at the public library to print our tickets because I may or may not have forgotten to do so at home (if you know me, you know how much I love the public library).

You also get to walk through the fair and the booths full of fun western wear. But one of my favorite parts is walking by the chutes on the outside of the bleachers where you can see all of the horses and bulls. Being that close to animals is how God intended us to live, I think.

I think my favorite part of the event has to do with the way in which the operators of the rodeo honor every part of the event. They honor the native tribe that helps put it on, they honor the Lord, and they honor the animals. When the native tribe comes down the hillside, I'm just awestruck. And then there's the prayer and the way they speak about how all we have is because of God and the sacrifice of Jesus. Then they honor the animals that God created.

It's beautiful to see the way they tell the story of the land and the animals and the people of the area. I don't know how someone could not leave there in awe.

Of course, there's the actual watching of the rodeo events. Bull riding, team roping, breakaway roping, calf roping, barrel racing, etc. Being right next to the chutes are some of the best seats in the arena. It's so much fun to watch.

By the end of all the festivities, I had the best feeling, even if I was soaked with sweat and my feet were hurting from all the walking.

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